Saturday, September 18, 2010

Experience is a must

One commonly held notion is that contractors working from home live life on easy street. Freelancers stay home all day while everyone else is at work getting fat on ice cream and partaking in their favorite daytime soaps. Indeed, freelancers have it convenient. These are only the positive sides of the freelancer and they too have their own disadvantages.

These good-for-nothing web-junkies spend their days in front of a computer screen partially clad with gorgeous women belly dancing and feeding them not only grapes, but also churning out delicious grapefruit juice. This may sound like an ideal lifestyle but wait until you undergo the rigor they do on a daily basis. First, there's a lot of competition in the stay-at-home website design orlando field so obtaining clients is a full time job. Meeting deadlines is very important; otherwise he may lose a reputed client as well as the whole project. There's a whole bunch of useless knowledge that web designers must keep available just to make it. Multi-tasking with clients becomes harder than sticking a Japanese egg through a meat grinder and making Russian eggless salad post-mortem. The following pieces of advice may be necessary to achieve the pinnacle of this craft.

Target your working hours:

Of course it is very difficult to work from home. In truth to succeed as a freelancer, you need to make a schedule for yourself. Clients shouldn't dictate your time horizons; you should. Pick a time and be diligent.  When you cheat you are only cheating yourself, homeboy. Don't forget that you are bound to your office during these hours, this isn't just orlando web design. For best results you should work regular hours like at any job.

Small break to refresh your brain

You cannot sit continuously in front of computer and go on working. Don't work more than an hour at a time. Keep yourself hydrated and jam out to your favorite tunes. If you have a green thumb, go plant something in your backyard and enjoy a peaceful cucumber under a tree.  If not, just watch some TV you lazy bum. This will refresh your brain and keeps you energetic for meeting another set of work.

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